8 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Out of Control

8 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Out of Control

Do you know what your blood sugar is? If not, it’s time to take a test and see if it is fluctuating. When the level of glucose in our bloodstream becomes too high or low, we can experience many side effects.  8 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Out of Control:

1. Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is a common side effect of uncontrolled diabetes. Although it might seem like more urine would equate to better health, this isn’t the case. The symptoms of diabetes can lead to increased urination, which will actually dehydrate you and make your symptoms worse. If left untreated, symptoms such as frequent urination can be an early sign of diabetes.

2.Extreme Thirst

Even if you have been dehydrated for a few days, you might not notice any signs of thirst until it becomes extreme. Although having a drink of water or juice can help at this point, it’s important to see your doctor before the problem gets worse and leads to other problems such as frequent urination.

3. Extreme Hunger

Even when you have been eating normally, extreme hunger can indicate a problem with your blood sugar levels. In some cases, this symptom might actually lead to frequent urination and extreme thirst as the body attempts to get rid of glucose from the bloodstream by sweating it out or flushing it from the system.

4. Vision Problems

Extreme hunger can also lead to vision issues such as blurry or fuzzy vision, double vision, and even blindness when left untreated. Finding out what is causing this symptom will prevent further damage to your eyes and make it easier for you to spot the signs of other problems in the future.

5. Unusual Fatigue

Fatigue is another common symptom of diabetes. When your body is trying to flush glucose from the bloodstream, it will act as an irritant on the nerves and cause extreme fatigue. This can also lead to problems with mental clarity and focus.

6. Dry or Discolored Skin

Your skin can become dry or discolored when you have problems with blood sugar that result in dehydration. In many cases, this is a sign that the body’s systems are trying to flush glucose from the body through perspiration and urination, which can also leave you dehydrated.

7. Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

When your blood sugar level drops too low, the symptoms of hypoglycemia will start to appear. This can include shakiness, weakness, nausea and vomiting, mood swings, irritability or anxiety, dizziness, or lightheadedness that leads to loss of consciousness or seizures.

8. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is another symptom that can be caused by high blood sugar levels, along with other medications taken for diabetes, infections, or even smoking. If you are experiencing shortness of breath, it’s important to get to an emergency room immediately.

how to prevent your blood sugar from being out of control?

Eat healthy foods. Sugary and processed foods can cause your blood sugar to rise quickly, so choosing healthy snacks is one of the best ways to keep it within a normal range and avoid diabetic symptoms and complications. try sugar-free products. from snacks to even milk powders, now most products have a sugar-free product. one such example in the market is the sugar-free Horlicks for diabetics.

  • Checking your blood sugar regularly can help you catch minor problems before they become major ones
  • Having a glucometer and testing strips at home is an effective way to monitor your own blood sugar levels. When you use the same equipment each time, it’s easier to notice
  • Exercise regularly. Maintain a healthy weight and track your glucose by using a glucometer often. Test your blood sugar before, during, and after exercise to see how high it rises and how long the symptoms last afterward.

If you are experiencing any of these high blood sugar symptoms on a consistent basis without an explanation for them (such as the flu or other illness that leaves you tired and nauseous), you should call your health care professional immediately.